I’ve Got A Solution for That!

Putting Hutches to Work for Other Uses

Compiled by Abbey Dugan and Kelly Driver

Just when I think I’ve seen and heard it all, I find myself tapping the brake pedal on my truck as I pass by hutches and continue to be amazed at all the ways people are using their hutches.

  • A dog house
  • Covering an outdoor generator
  • A safe space to lock ducks in overnight
  • Being used in a life-size Dungeons & Dragons game

Regardless of the use, seeing animals live their best lives in Calf-Tel housing makes my heart the happiest. So, I thought it would be fun to share a few photos.

  • A pair of swine!
  • A sheep duo named Rambunctious & Ewe-calyptus
Mini Donkey

But whatever the use, our favorite are still the dairy calves. 😊

If you have a unique use or alternate livestock in your Calf-Tel hutches, please share a picture with us by email at kellydriver@hampelcorp.com.

Molino de viento

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