We would love to hear from you about your experiences with Calf-Tel products and accessories. If you have an experience you would like to share please tell us about it.
Easy to Treat Calves
« We’re really liking our new hutch pens. The gates make for easy in and out to check on or treat calves. The head holes with the hook on buckets (on the outside of the pen) make watering and cleaning buckets easy. »
Heather L-Sherburne, NY, USA
Raising Quality Calves is Made Easier with Calf-Tel
« A lot has changed in our calf management program over the last 5 years and Calf-Tel pens have been a large part of the success of our system. They are sturdy, rugged, yet easy to disassemble and disinfect adequately between calves. The design and flexibility allow for good airflow through the pens in a well-ventilated barn. They can also accommodate changes to small group housing at younger ages without the need for major new construction. Raising quality calves is made easier with a quality environment and Calf-Tel pens have been a great addition to our program. »
Ryker Smith-New York, USA
15 Years With Calf-Tel
« After traveling the Midwest looking at a bunch of different calf raising facilities, I knew hutches were the best place to raise our calves. That was 15 years ago and we still have the original Calf-Tel hutches we bought. We have been very happy with the hutches and the service we receive from Calf-Tel. »
Katie Grinstead-Wisconsin, USA
Consistent Results & Labor Efficiency
« When I was looking at increasing our herd size a few years ago, I didn’t want to leave anything to chance as it related to the health and well-being of our calves. Being a long time customer of Calf-Tel housing, I knew I could count on consistent results and labor efficiency with the increased number of calves. »
Paul Trieweiler-Michigan, USA
Starting Our Calves Out Right
« Since we have started using the calf starter bowls, we have seen an increase in grain intake by our calves. The shallower dishes put the grain at the calf’s level, which peaks their interest sooner. »
Bethany Borer-New York, USA
Easy Transition for Calves
« We are extremely happy with the super hutch fence systems (54|98 group housing hutches with 8|16 fence systems). They have allowed us to more easily transition calves from hutches and keep the area clean. It is not only good for the calves but also gives us a nice way to show off those age animals to the public. »
Luke Johnson-New York, USA
Great Success
« Here at Nehls Bros. Farms, we have used Calf-Tel hutches for over 8 years with great success. We have over 330 hutches and think they are a great way to raise calves. We recently added the lower vents to keep calves cooler in the summer.
I am a big believer in Calf-Tel having personally used them at other dairies all over the world. »
Jim Van Patter-Wisconsin, USA
We Trust Calf-Tel
« Our family has always trusted Calf-Tel to raise our calves. They are durable, easy to clean and there is a hutch to fit anyone’s operation. I wouldn’t want to raise our calves in any other hutch!
Most of our hutches are 24|74s and we have a few 35|85 hutches. We love the 35|85 hutches – the extra room allows our calves to grow more while still staying comfortable. Both have the rear bedding door and bottom vents that keep our calves cool and comfortable in the summer. In the winter, our calves are warm and stay dry even in the worst winter storms.
I’m confident saying that my calves wouldn’t be as healthy or grow as well if we didn’t use the quality huts made from Calf-Tel. »
Darcy Steffes-Illinois, USA
Space Solver
« We recently modified our calf barn and wanted to utilize our space in the most efficient way possible. Calf-Tel worked with us to redesign the barn with their new Compact Breezeways to maximize the space we have. We couldn’t be happier with the outcome. »
Charlie D. -Iowa, USA
Built to Last
« We know that Calf-Tel hutches raise the healthiest calves and we can rely on them for many, many years to come. »
Stefano Bassani-Italy
Easy to Set Up
« The Calf-Tel pen system is the easiest to set up for any indoor raising style and can grow with our herd. »
Rick Roden-Wisconsin, USA
Best Value
« Calf-Tel is the best value. The product is healthy for the calf and easy for the producer. »
Stanislaw Kasprovicz-Poland